10 Dec, 2018
I’m very pleased that we been successful in starting a new project – Heli Chautari (HC) – an online blog intended to expand knowledge base within the company on issues pertaining to the helicopter industry as well as offering employees a platform to share anything valuable they wish to. “The beginnings of all things are small,” said Cicero, one of the most respected orators and politicians of the Roman Empire, and this is the approach I want all of us to have with Heli Chautari. Often, the most valuable, the most remarkable and the most respected things have emerged from inauspicious beginning, conservative, unpretentious and modest at best. We have started small, but if we work sincerely, someday HC could blossom into something truly beautiful and meaningful to everyone in the helicopter industry. My hope for this newsletter is that it gradually builds up over time and delivers contents that have true value to anyone reading. Let this be a platform where important matters, big or small, affecting our industry are presented and discussed. Let’s create materials that can be valuable to anyone, contents that are unique and original and not readily found elsewhere. This kind of culture where we encourage and share knowledge is paramount in developing a highly dynamic team that is poised for creativity and innovation to face the future head on. At Simrik Air, we’ve always aimed at being right at the top of the industry. We’ve pioneered projects, raised safety standards and always done what’s right to ensure we stay true to our ethos of leadership. As a prominent leader in the industry, we must constantly seek new and valuable ways to improve ourselves. If we desire to have what no one else has, we must have the to discipline to do things that no one else wants to do. Like they say, if you always do what you’ve done, you’ll always get what you’ve gotten! As a leader we must start new projects, we must discuss new ideas, we must constantly challenge our assumptions and our ways of doing things, we must start looking at things from new perspectives. I am very proud that this is yet another instance when we have pioneered something new in the industry. In this new chapter, my hope is that not only our employees in Simrik value from HC, but over time what we share becomes so valuable that other operators, too, take value from our enterprise. That sort of attitude where we aim to create something so good that it benefits not just our company but our competitors too is a true foundation of leadership. When we communicate more freely, when we share more openly, we becomes aware of each other’s needs, challenges, attitudes and working styles, only then do possibilities of helping each other become better and working more effectively open up. Only then we can get a foothold on starting a culture of innovation. Please build and use Heli Chautari to share your knowledge, to share your experiences and insights, to learn from others and improve each other as we toil to take the company to new heights. I wish the team all the best.